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About Us- The Dave and Kathy Show

Dang this is a long story... anyway... I'll try to make a long story short.  Dave and I have been creating and making stamps for almost 22 years now.  Granted, the first stamps I drew were NOT pretty!  LOL...  Dave is a photopolymer technician by trade and works making printing plates for the corrugate industry.  He's also very skilled will all of the equipment as a trouble shooter for the entire area.  People from other facilities and the folks that make the photopolymer will often call Dave for his input on materials and equipment.  The dude can fix ANYTHING! Our youngest daughter, Madeline is much like her father, quick thinker and can figure her way through any situation!

Dave and I have been married 25 years, together 28.  I had two daughters from a previous marriage, Angelica and Adrianne.  The two girls and I were alone for several years before meeting Dave.  I was his customer service rep as we both worked in the print industry at the time.  We would talk a couple times a day and found that we were alike in many ways. We were friends before we ever met in person.  The salesman I worked with at the time, took Dave and I to lunch up here in Green Bay.  I couldn't eat... I had the WORST butterflies ever.  I gave him half of my sandwich to bring back to work with him.  We still only ever talked on the phone.  A few months later, another salesman took me up to Green Bay for lunch and a tour of the company Dave worked for.  We all went out for lunch at Olive Garden.  When we were leaving, Dave kissed me on the cheek.  We both knew where we were headed after that.  We got married and two more beautiful daughters, Alissa and Madeline.  Dave has been a wonderful step-dad to my (our) two daughters and equally as wonderful to our daughters.  

Often we trade off... as the "thinker" and the "doer".  He's the one who figures out how to make my wild ideas work.  Sometimes I can figure it out... he often talks me through HOW to do or make something.

to be continued...